
Google Rankings in Less Than 180 Days

Website ranking in 1 year is the story of the cave period. We help businesses to generate qualified leads and increase sales from their website in less than 180 days.

Dear Business Owner,

You might have heard that “I will rank your website on the No.1 page of Google & your sales will skyrocket.

I also heard about it but wondered, “How is it possible”?

I studied a lot of success stories, read every possible article on Planet Earth, and took many courses from online gurus. As a result, I learned That’s a BIG RED FLAG.

Let me tell you why.

Getting on the No.1 page of Google on a keyword sailing alone in some parallel universe will get you nothing but a report of staying on top every month.

Is that report enough to make you happy and scale your business online? Certainly Not.

Then I saw BIG companies & publications reporting SEO is no more. SEO is dying. AI is going to kill SEO. SEO is a tool of the past.


Wrong!!! Let me tell you why.

As you know, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok Ads are prime platforms to advertise your business to increase sales and leads.

Yet you can’t ignore Google’s most effective audience comes from Google’s Free Listing. This audience is warm and actively looking for solutions; now, you can generate an invoice on your will, which will always be more significant than reaching someone out.

That is why you need to ensure your website appears when someone looks for your solution on Google.

Here comes SEO. One of the most effective marketing tools is when you plan to raise High Ticket invoices and Lasting Impact without being worried about spending dollars on paid ads.

The Average Cost per click on Google ads have increased 10% since 2019

Besides this increase in CPC,  competition among advertisers also snowballs daily, making acquiring clicks and conversions through ads more challenging.

Now, paid ads are not only expensive but also fiercely competitive. Hence, it would not be a smart move to rely only on paid ads.


Google is Genius – Google knows, “People need more than just ads.” It is working on regulations to improve user experience for Google users.
Don’t assume. Look at this.

  • 27% of Google users employ ad-blocking software, hindering the reach of digital ads.
  • Research suggests that 86% of consumers suffer from “banner blindness,” where they consciously or subconsciously ignore display ads.
  • Increased emphasis on user data privacy has led to stricter regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, impacting ad targeting.
  • The average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is less than 0.1%, indicating that most users do not engage with digital ads.
  • 91% of users say ads are more intrusive today than two years ago, potentially leading to a negative user experience.
  • Only around 50% of display ads are considered “viewable,” meaning they’re seen by users, further impacting the ROI of digital ad campaigns.

Escape the Dueling Demons of CPC and Ad Resistance.

the only most powerful tool to have control over the price you desire

This is the leverage of brands. Their websites rank, so they enjoy authority and demand what they want!


  • People search for them on Google. People go to them.
  • Their audience is searching for what they want.
  • Brand’s websites are answers they find naturally.

Undoubtedly, paid ads may pay you back, but it’s a QUICK FIX and LIABILITY because as much as you earn, as much as you spend on advertisements after taking minimal profit.

It is a matter of concern that

  • Your audience is not Googling you.
  • Your audience is not thinking about you.
  • You bombard them with Google ads, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads & TikTok ads.

Go Beyond Quick Fixes and Create Online Asset with SEO

Step into the shoes of your customer…

Do you like it if some company targets you through flashy ads?
You don’t. Then why would your customer would like your ads?

Think. You will find the answer.

We are living in a world of immense options. Even If it’s realised that ad costs are rising and so is competition, still more clarity is required about digital marketing channels and their role in lead generation for your business.

This is the dilemma for business owners  – What to opt for and what not to opt for.  SEO or SMM?

An unstoppable debate starts on SEO VS SMM.

Most business owners think that CPC is expensive and not sure about SEO. So, we are just left with SMM.

SMM is undoubtedly effective for retail e-commerce stores but can’t replace SEO.
I’m not saying social media is useless, but it can’t drive as much traffic as SEO can.

High authorities reports are revealing it openly

  • Social Media delivers an average of 5% of traffic.
  • SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic than organic social media.

The fact is  SEO Empowers and SMM Engages.

In the dynamic world of online business, SEO is a tool that works beyond quick fixes. It’s the tool that lets you create, control, and connect.

As an e-commerce entrepreneur, embrace the future– choose SEO over SMM for lasting success.

Beyond Rankings: The Untold Storyof Conversion

Why do they miss the mark even if they call themselves RESULT ORIENTED SEO SERVICES?

Such SEO agency tries to achieve a top spot on Google. It is an achievement but just the tip of the iceberg. SEO is not just ranking but also creating authority and turning those clicks into conversions.


Many SEO agencies are caught up in the race for rankings, forgetting that the end goal is visibility and Tangible Dollars In Your Client’s Bank.

It’s not that SEO agencies are playing a bluff in the name of ranking; it’s often a matter of being out of touch with the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Google’s algorithms are in constant flux; the online market changes daily, so people’s preferences, needs and wants. Staying up-to-date with these dynamics is challenging; unfortunately, not all agencies prioritise this vital aspect.

Let’s Talk Conversions, Not Just Rankings

Converting leads into customers and ensuring your online presence translates into tangible, measurable success is something desired by any business owner.

Ensuring  that every click on your website turns into a qualified lead requires some solid conversion planning that covers every aspect of

  • Conversion rate optimisation (CRO).
  • User experience enhancements.
  • Lead generation.
  • Data-driven insights and many more such technical things.

SEO SHam Exposed: Unconventional Strategies for Explosive Traffic Growth

Turns out, everything you think you know about SEO is wrong. Forget the outdated advice from self-proclaimed experts. We’ve uncovered the true secrets to generating massive traffic, and they’re guaranteed to blow your mind.

And here’s the proof!

Free SEO Assessment Quiz for ideas that woN.

Take our FREE SEO Evaluation Quiz today and discover the secrets to:

  • Driving targeted traffic to your website.
  • Converting visitors into paying customers.
  • Building a thriving online presence that generates real results.

Frustrated by a website that generates crickets instead of customers?

Well, many business owners are affected by pouring resources into dead Seo strategies that produce nothing but chilling silence.

Don’t let your website become a digital graveyard! 

We understand the crippling anxiety and lost revenue that comes with a website that’s failing to convert. That’s why we’ve created a FREE SEO Evaluation Quiz, specifically designed to help business owners like you:

  • Identify hidden roadblocks preventing website sales.
  • Uncover the real reason your website is invisible to potential customers.
  • Discover actionable steps to transform your website into a sales magnet.

Don’t wait any longer to break free from the shackles of a failing website. Take control of your online destiny and click here for the FREE SEO Evaluation Quiz now!

No fear! This quiz is 100% free and transparent. Free assessment of your failing website. If you still have doubts, our expert team will answer them on Consultation Call. 

Evaluate your SEO today & get a chance to win a free consultation call with us.

100% GUARANTEED google Rankings in less than 180 Days

Website ranking in 1 year is story of cave period. We help businesses to generate qualified leads and increase sales from their website in less than 180 days. You like it but still doubt the effectiveness of SEO?

Well. No wonder on it.

B2B & Technology Companies Generate 2X More Revenue From Organic Search than Other Channels.  

Let’s say you realise the need for SEO but you may focused on X and marketing isn’t a priority right now.

We understand. You’ve got competing priorities, and it seems like marketing can wait. But your biggest competitor isn’t waiting. They are ranking high in organic Google searches on the  “keywords”  you want to rank you–but you still have the opportunity to outrank them. If you don’t  know “How”

We realise you may have been burned, and now you don’t trust marketing agencies anymore.

It can be challenging to find the right fit. We have similar clients who have been with us for years. Here’s why we genuinely think we could help you with…

We're not in the business of costing you money. We are in the business of making you money. 

It doesn’t matter if another company charges half of what we do if they don’t deliver you the same results. It’s all about ROI. We’re going to work hard to get you the results that your company needs, and we’re confident that this investment will quickly pay for itself.

Our SEO services will help you

  • Gain targeted visibility  through Strategic Keyword Optimization.
  • Stay ahead of the competition in-depth competitor analysis.
  • Enhance user experience and search engine visibility through Maximized On-Page SEO Potential.
  • Establish your website as an authority in your industry with Authority-Boosting Link Building.
  • Ensure your website operates at peak performance, leading to improved user satisfaction, higher rankings, and a more favorable perception by search engines.
  • Connect with local customers with Targeted Local Customer Acquisition.
  • Capture the growing mobile audience through  Mobile responsiveness 
  • Make data-driven decisions with comprehensive analytic reports
  • Stay resilient against search engine algorithm updates with Adaptation to Algorithm Changes
  • Stay informed with our Transparent Monthly Progress Updates

Spending on Seo costs you nothing but as much as your kids may do shopping!