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Double Your Sales in Just 14 Days! Guaranteed Results or Your Money Back!

Experience a sales revolution in just 14 days. We’re so confident, we offer a double-your-sales guarantee, or we work for free until you do.

Only 3 left for November

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Your 14-Day Sales Success Blueprint Starts Here

Only 3 left for November

Is your marketing strategy up to the test?

Find out by answering 20 questions & get a free tailored insight report made especially for you at the end.

This quiz has been designed to show e-commerce owners where the blind spots live in their marketing department alongside instant, actionable steps to fix them.

This is perfect for you If you run an online store and want to make it bigger but are facing challenges.

Your store can go from £50k to £300k monthly with this proven strategy

We’ve taken this brand from a stagnant £50,000 in monthly sales to a flourishing £300,000 in monthly sales through the implementation of our tried-and-tested strategies.

Only 3 left for November

How we do it?

Creating a comprehensive roadmap for doubling ecommerce sales in less than 14 days involves several key steps and strategies. Here’s a detailed roadmap for achieving this goal.

Week 1: Preparation and Analysis

  1. Data Analysis: Analyze historical data to identify trends and opportunities.
  2. Competitor Analysis: Study competitors and market gaps.
  3. Website Audit: Identify and fix issues on your website.
  4. Customer Segmentation: Understand and target key customer segments.

Week 2: Implementation and Optimization

  1. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Enhance product pages and checkout processes.
  2. Targeted Marketing: Launch campaigns for specific customer segments.
  3. User Experience Improvements: Optimize design, mobile responsiveness, and page load times.
  4. A/B Testing: Test and iterate for continuous improvement.

Post-14 Days: Ongoing Strategies

  1. Brand Scaling: Expand product offerings or product lines to cater to a broader audience.
  2. Omnichannel Marketing: Develop an omnichannel marketing strategy that includes running campaigns on Facebook, Google, Tiktok and Snapchat ads.
  3. Customer Engagement: Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers.
  4. Data-Driven Scaling: Use data insights to identify new growth opportunities and refine marketing strategies.
  5. Customer Feedback: Collect and analyze customer feedback to make data-driven decisions.

 Click to book a limited free session worth £1000.

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We’ve serviced 100+ clients this year, from startups to enterprises.

I had problems delivering key deadlines

Brains Hub has been absolutely critical to our growth and the work that we do purely because they have enabled us to expand faster, easier and through a company that understands our requirements in the way that we work. 

They have allowed us to be able to sell to our customers with confidence and the ability to be able to provide quality work when it comes to web development, branding, and even social media management. There’s not really much they cannot do.

I can’t recommend Brains Hub more to anyone who is either growing their business, trying to take their business to the next level, or really trying to increase their digital footprint.

Raees Sayed

Co-Founder @Ummazing

Book a free strategy session worth £1000